Welcome song for Obama to Ghana
These are some very talented Kids. our favs are Madfish.
yeah they are Mad Talented.
We hope Barack Obama got a chance to check this video out.
if he did, I'm sure he'd add it to his IPod. and You Know This Mayyynnnnn..
one nice thing about this trip I have to add, no embarressing dance videos;
where the president is out of step, and off rhythm with the dancers and drummers. Mr Obama's got the beat. we witnessed that when he danced the night away at all of the inaugural balls, bumpin and hustlin like we've never seen a president throw it before.
we just want to know if Mr and Mrs Obama do the Chicago Shuffle ?
it would figure right ?
if you're really interesteed in the whole post, you can go over to the MamaBlog
at BadGalsRadio.com and get all up in the 5 Videos of Barack In Ghana. Yupper..
Comments Comments, and of course Feel Free to Make the Video Viral.
it's nice, positive and good to support Youth doing the right thing.
It's Music Monday, So Lets Work it Out My Peeples,

I have come to the conclusion that it depends where you are geographically in regards to white against black vice verse. Where I am from in Canada there are not as many negative feelings towards black people as I have noticed in the USA.
They say that black people are more racist than whites...???
I am not political nor am I prejudice about any persons background or culture.
My prejudicsm (is that even a word) begins with self serving, greedy, power-ridden people that spare no expense to climb the ladders and step on any person that gets in the way.
@Dorothy Add Me to Your List on that "Prejudicsm"
greedy selfserving asses are the end for me.
Your Comment shows that regardless of where you're from you know bad from good.
Thanks for your comment D
RE, there is a malignant fear in vox populi and it turns the world upside down. These folks with blinders on need to watch out for lightening!Wretched people, all of them.
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