Please watch this video and share it widely. There is never a time for this - ever. the victim's death is the real reason you must see it to understand why you need to reblog this. This man was murdered by Police in Fullerton California - and the police are still on the job. No charges have even been filed against them in this outright murder. that is why the feds are now being asked to investigate this case.
What we should be asking is Why Does it take Anonymous to bring this to our newscasts ?
Kelly Thomas Is You - He Died five days later from the effects of being Homeless; Tasered and Beaten to death by cops. He Was Murdered. There is no way to dismiss the behaviour of these cops. just as there is no way to dismiss the way society makes people disposable.
Notable claims:
One officer supposedly beat Kelly Thomas with the butt of his Taser until blood started coming up all over the officer’s arms and hands.
Another officer supposedly drop kneed Kelly Thomas’ nose and throat with the full force of his body weight multiple times, crushing the victim’s throat.
This happened while Kelly Thomas was not moving or resisting.
Homelessness has risen more than 500% in the past 10 years. many of the working poor are too poor to get a home of their own. they live in cheap motels, or shelters when they can't. they work minimum wage jobs when they can find them, and they die the slow death of social disinfranchisment. this is why America needs to see this video on every newscast.
If you don't believe that this is common in America - spend a few moments with a homeless person and ask them. they will clarify the situation for you.
Remember This Could Be You - anytime, anywhere in America,
A Somali woman weeps for her dead child at Banadir hospital in Mogadishu, on July 21, 2011. (Reuters/Feisal Omar) [x]
This is what we're asking you to do to show that you care . Just use your phone and show that love.Text “SURVIVE” to 20222 to donate $10 from the United States to Save the Children’s East Africa Drought and Food Crisis.
“With East Africa facing its worst drought in 60 years, affecting more than 11 million people, the United Nations has declared a famine in the region for the first time in a generation. Overcrowded refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia are receiving some 3,000 new refugees every day, as families flee from famine-stricken and war-torn areas.
The meager food and water that used to support millions in the Horn of Africa is disappearing rapidly, and families strong enough to flee for survival must travel up to a hundred miles, often on foot, hoping to make it to a refugee center, seeking food and aid.
Many do not survive the trip. Officials warn that 800,000 children could die of malnutrition across the East African nations of Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Kenya. “
Donate money through these organizations:
UNICEF — money will help provide therapeutic treatment for women and children with severe malnutrition, access to clean drinking water and vaccinations to prevent deadly diseases like measles and polio (you can text “FOOD” to 864233 to donate $10 from the United States)
International Medical Corps — provide food, water, hygiene, sanitation and mental health services to people in refugee camps in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya (you can text “AFRICA” to 80888 to donate $10 to the group’s drought relief response from the United States)
International Rescue Committee — giving cash and other assistance to families whose livestock, pastures and farmland have been decimated and helping to repair boreholes and wells for those left behind in Somalia; establishing reception centers in Kenyan camps for newcomers to receive food, health screenings, and medical referrals; and bringing water and installing water-supply systems in three camps in Ethiopia, which serve 82,000 refugees.
United Nations World Food Programme — plans to airlift high energy biscuits and highly nutritious supplementary foods for children and pregnant or nursing mothers into southern Somalia (to donate $10 from the United States, text “AID” to 27722; to donate $5 from Canada, text “RELIEF” to 45678; to donate £3 from the United Kingdom text “AID” to 70303)
Oxfam — providing life-saving water, sanitation services, food and money. The organization aims to reach 3 million people, including 700,000 in Ethiopia, 1.3 million in Kenya, and 500,000 in Somalia
Save the Children — feeding underweight children, providing life-saving medical treatment, and getting clean water to remote communities in Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia (text “SURVIVE” to 20222 to donate $10 from the United States to Save the Children’s East Africa Drought and Food Crisis)
Today we continue our trip down the back alley of America's drug highway - the I 75 Corridor
we're sure you can look at any newspaper, local or national and find drug cases, but you won't find crack cases. why ? crack has been wacked in America, so to say. it's been replaced by the newer more costly marks or societal influence - pills.
Recently we spent a few hours with our undercover correspondent, Mr One. Discussing the economy and talking about the new drug issue that's blowing up the east coast - oxys.
Brazil is about 10 years away from this, because the level of prescription abuse hasn't reached the point that we see in the US. There is less money for pills, since medical care is socialized, and distributed openly. this is why we don't understand how they have this tremendous crack problem. it's just like the middle 80's in the us. so many people are dying of crack abuse and HIV that the medical community seems to have thrown their hands up in the air. why is this allowed to happen is what we'd like to understand.
Mr One has his explanations straight on track. the majority of today's issues with Oxycontin come straight from the connections. Anytime you find a captive population looking for a product, you'll find an enterprising service industry spring up. that's why the I-75 corridor is one of Americas' biggest money makers.
The prison industrial complex makes millions yearly by incarcerating hundreds with unreal jail terms, for small amounts of prescription contraband. if you get caught with as few as 100 pills and you're a POC from out of state; there is no doubt that you're going to do minimum 25 years.
What America needs to ask itself is, if this revenue stream for private prisons is helping to change the problem ?
Of course the answer is no - because when the hillbilly heroin users don't get their oxys, they then find the real deal - Heroin. this is why America needs to invest in rehab instead of incarceration.
if Suboxone was mandatory for all people arrested on prescription drug charges, and found to be intoxicated with Oxycodone; the marketplace would dry up.
Did you know that there are various formulas for Oxy ? made by the Same Company.. WTF ?
Mr One discusses the way Heroin and Oxycontin effect the mind and what happens to those who are faced with the choice, when one is substituted for the other. Law enforcement knows that this is the normal pattern. Which is why so many people are being found in possession of both Oxycontin and Suboxone.
Take a trip down Reality Road with us and then put the question to your legislators -
What is their position on Drug Rehabilitation vs. Private Prisons for Drug Offenders?
no doubt when you get your response, you'll then understand why we undertook such a gritty job. Someone had to do it, so why not BadGalsRadio.
Now Please if you value your community, Hurry Up and Run Tell Dis,
You know they locked her ass up to keep her out of ruperts' clutches.
But it almost makes us wonder if maybe they were putting her on ice, until they snatch his ass up. somehow we doubt it will happen; but it would be justified with all this spying and hackin going on. who gets away with that..
oooooh rightttt, back to the story. - this is from youtubetrends and mashable tonite,
With Rebekah Brooks and Rebecca Black both in the news earlier this week, someone had to figure out a way to mash up the two.
Now, somebody has. A heavily auto-tuned singer performs the new lyrics, which are adapted to the former News of the World editor’s role in the News Corp. phone hacking scandal. “Friday, Friday, gotta resign on Friday” is one refrain, and other lines include “James is in the front seat” and “Rupert’s in the back seat.” Hang in there as well for Rupe’s rap, which comes about two minutes in.
For those looking for another musical treatment of the scandal, there’s also “Hacking on the Telephone,” which is sung to the tune of Blondie’s “Hanging on the Telephone.”
[via YouTube Trends]
Can you believe that the songwriters are on this so fast ? wow -
Wait - just a moment, hold the damn phone. who else but Pimpin Ass Pastor David Manning is all up in this ish.. Please tell us, what pray tell do you know Pastor Manning ?
A Prince You Say...
ahhhh maybe he does know something. hmmmm
Have you wondered lately if your cellphones being bugged ? well we've actually found something you might like on that too. this is just a short piece on the signs and symptoms of a dirty device. you can decide for yourself what to do with it; after you make your diagnosis. uh yeah.
Remember you can take steps to protect yourself, just do it quickly. Don't Be a Rebekah, always have a plan b.
We just wonder if they gave her the news by phone..
That Is All - Transmission is now complete,
'This is from Fox this afternoon - apparently the FBI is pissed that Anonymous has been showing off their dirt to the world. so they do what they do and go arresting a bunch of people, who may or may not be involved. At the same time they go after Aaron Schwartz for Downloading and Reading Too Many Papers Online - WTF ?
Shocking news: Moments ago former Demand Progress Executive Director Aaron Swartz was indicted by the US government. As best as we can tell, he is being charged with allegedly downloading too many journal articles from the Web. The government contends that downloading so many journal articles constitutes felony computer hacking and should be punished with time in prison. We disagree.
The charges are made all the more senseless by the fact that the alleged victim has settled any claims against Aaron, explained they've suffered no loss or damage, and asked the government not to prosecute.
James Jacobs, the Government Documents Librarian at Stanford University -- where Aaron did undergraduate work -- denounced the arrest: "Aaron's prosecution undermines academic inquiry and democratic principles," Jacobs said. "It's incredible that the government would try to lock someone up for allegedly looking up articles at a library."
Please demonstrate your support for Aaron by signing onto this statement:
PETITION OF SUPPORT FOR AARON SWARTZ: We stand with Aaron Swartz and his lifetime of work on ethics in government and academics.
Just sign it right and we'll forward your message of support to Aaron.
If you're already on Twitter, click here to tweet about the campaign: Tweet
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has raided the homes of over a dozen alleged “hacktivists” associated with Anonymous in New York, New Jersey, Florida and California this morning, according to Fox News. The main Anonymous Twitter accounts, the group’s primary mode of communication with the world, have been silent but a correlated account @ThaiAnonymous has weighed in on the raids.
“It doesnt matter how many people the ‘FBI’ arrest.. wether they are core members or not.. #anonymous have started something unstoppable.”
Anonymous and related hacker group LulzSec have angered governments across the United States and Europe in recent weeks with an “AntiSec” campaign designed to attack government agencies and contractors. It was just a matter of time before the FBI tracked some members down. Yet, who are they and what their involvement is remains uncertain
we copied this to put the word out that there is a new chatroom and dashboard for those inclined toward the truth
Welcome to the Anonymous Social Networking site @higochoa@AntiSecDev
Ok guys, heres the deal. Anon+ is not only changing its name but taking on a new id all together. You see unlike most this project has a real diffrence to make. People out there are so hung up on stupid pride that they cant accept the change coming there way. So we had really only a couple of options.
1.) Deal with people attacking us constently making a hard project even harder.
2.) Drop the project and say screw it.
3.) Change the name and reorginize.
Obviously we chose option #3. The idea and the outcome are the same. Freedom of expression over an anonymous platform. A simple and civil idea that some simply cant understand.
Not only did we lose ourselfs in this project but we lost the cause. We exhausted both ourselfs and our followers to keep a bunch of kids entertained.
This we can not stand for. There are those out there who would like to see us fail, We do not belive in failure. Now , we have supported anonymous in all its lulz but have felt both the touch and sting of its presence. We do not wish to spend out time fighting anything but oppression or anyone except those who wish to oppress.
Now for those wondering what then is to become of anonplus besides the name change let me quote a very respected and dear person to all of us at presstorm. "Anonplus was meant to twart government censorship - so that in the case of a government blackout - the people can still be heard. The people are so far estranged from their world governments that they do not have a voice - even outside of revolution - therefore, they need an amplification tool without having to fear censorhip from both the government AND the social network/media that they are choosing to use. This social network will also incorporate and facilitate an open source educational environment allowing those who want, to further their knowledge of things that are righted to them at birth without having to feed the machine thousands upon thousands of dollars to do so. This social network will allow open communication of ideas -and is essentially a cyber-anarchy formatted environment whereas the people are the ones keeping the peace in order via an "understanding," rather than a "force" or "threat." They will be able to achieve knowledge on how to defend themselves against those who would stand to oppose them in the chance that their liberty and freedom be threatened. This social network would allow open exchange of currency via alternative currency without feeding the grid - and those corporations that wish to strangle the average citizen's wages without a conscience. The people would generate their own currency and wage via alternative energy means such as wind, solar, and geothermal energy - and then any excess can be used for gain using a barter/trade system via the social network anonplus without fear of being penalized like ebay or other similar networks do. This social network is essentially: The activists dashboard. "
I understand that the appeal for some will now be lost. Those of you interested in this simply because of the affiliation to anonymous, you are not who we built this for. You are sheep and although we can try to herd you towards intelligence we cant stop the wolfs.
For those seriously seeking a way to coexist without the oppresion of the world governments please come vist us and chat. If you wannna help ask around, be patient and engage in some interesting conversations. You never know what you will learn.
Thanks again for your continued support From Higochoa and all at
Vist us Online at Http://
Vist Dev Chat #anonplus PLEASE stay out of pressroom , you will get banned and nothing of good will come of it, ty .
Revision :0.8 Alpha
This is the Video from Anonymous that for once is HipHop Flavored - and quite tasty indeed. This time at the request of their fans they include a FREE DOWNLOAD of the Tune Here on SendSpace: We downloaded it so expect to hear it on
All this is happening while Rupert Murdoch sits in question on his empires' part in the largest hacking scandal in history. yet we don't see the fbi all up in his shit. that's what we need to understand - Why Not ? he's headed the most corrupt and slanted news organization on the planet and he's walking around saying "ohh Sorry".. like the hacks his employees committed did nothing to anyone. WRONG.
This afternoon Anonymous Plus came to life amid all the fbi nonsense. With that, we expect much more intense Antisec action - since they are beefing up to deal with the fbi. this should show America just what happens when your freedoms are threatened and you can no longer find the facts; without them being hidden / taken hostage by the so called security factor. The FBI is surely reading this message and hoping that they can get a clue from it. With that said - We hope that they do.
Remember Friends - Don't READ TOO MUCH, it could get you locked down for knowing the truth (wink*wink)
A WHISTLEBLOWER in the phone-hacking scandal was found dead at his flat yesterday.
Police discovered the body of former News of the World showbiz reporter Sean Hoare after a member of the public who was worried about his welfare called them.
Officers said the death in Watford, Herts, was "unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious".
Forensics cops were searching the flat last night.
Mr Hoare, who was in his late 40s, had a long-standing drink problem and told a friend last week that he was "seriously ill".
He had worked on the News of the World under editor Andy Coulson. Mr Hoare was later dismissed for drink and drug problems. He had claimed that Mr Coulson was aware of hacking at the newspaper.
But he offered no comment when quizzed by police over the allegations, which Mr Coulson denies.
Last week he claimed reporters at the paper could use police technology to find people using mobile phone signals.
News Raider of the Day: Activist/comedian Jonathan May-Bowles AKA Jonnie Marbles took credit on Twitter for the pie’ing of Rupert Murdoch at today’s parliamentary hearing.
Wendi Deng, Murdoch’s wife, tried to fend off the attacker, but, according to reports, he managed to land his plate of shaving cream “squarely” in Murdoch’s face. According to CNN, Marbles shouted “you are a greedy billionaire” before he struck Murdoch with the makeshift pie.
And Finally MAD Magazine adds their own twist with this hugely comical letter from Murdoch
All in All he should be glad Al Sharpton decided not to show up. This just goes to show you that you always get what you pay for in the end. if he'd hired people with human hearts and real consciouses he wouldn't have to have this public unveiling of his dirty knickers.
Rupert Rupert Rupert - What Are We To Do With Your Stank FAKE Ass Now ?
Yes It's Jesus and He's At Walmart. We're wondering if this is somekind of corporate mindtrick ?
We Know You Love that Whole People of Walmart piece - so we found this on one of our Tumblr dashboards and thought you just might find it curious. ya damn skippy we said curious because anything found at Walmart should be thoroughly investigated and confirmed before accepting as a natural occurance.
Jesus’ Second Coming…At Walmart? - Receipt Image Eerily Reminiscent Of The Messiah
(Daily Mail)- A South Carolina couple claims they received a divine message last week after a shopping trip to Walmart - when a shadowy image of Jesus appeared on their receipt.
Jacob Simmons and his fiancée, Gentry Lee Sutherland, of Anderson County, said they bought pictures from the discount retailer on July 12. After attending a church service three days later, Mr Simmons noticed the receipt had darkened to reveal two eyes, a nose and a bearded face he says is an image of the Messiah.
Mr Simmons told ‘I was leaving the kitchen and I just looked on the floor, and it was like it was looking at me.’ ‘Then the more you look at it, the more it looked like Jesus, and it was just shocking, breathtaking,’ Mr Simmons said.
The couple denies tampering with the paper to make the face appear.
Mr Simmons said he called Walmart to inquire what might have caused the paper to darken. But so far no one has come up with an explanation for the mysterious image.
‘They said the only way you could really get it black was to put heat on it,’ he said.
Ms Sutherland noted the couple had just come from a sermon about recognising God’s image when her fiancé saw the receipt had darkened - as she doesn’t see it as coincidence.
‘We had a message on knowing God, abiding in him,’ she said. ‘(The preacher asked) “If you know God, would you recognize him if you saw him?”’Ms Sutherland said the couple is treating the image as a message from God.‘We just feel like it’s a blessing that God showed it to us and opened our eyes,’ she continued. ‘And we just feel like we should share the blessing God gave to us to everybody else.’
Okay now What Say You Guys - Is This A Sign from Heaven That Walmart is The Place ?
You have to admit that the guy at the top with the sign looks like Jesus of the KJV; and it looks like his pic on the receipt - so could this really be Jesus of Walmart ? oh and we have to add of course - WU Tang Clan ain't nothin to fuck wit..
First Off lets watch a safety video - this is from Germany and it's on Driving and Intoxicants
Now to us that's clearly commonsense. yet a lot of things seem like commonsense, but we see otherwise. mostly we're speaking about the present state of the financial crisis discussions in DC. we watched Stephen Colbert last nite and he was absolutely hilarious. He hit it in the middle of the forehead when he said that the republicans only want a chance to vote no again; so that when the president vetoes' their BS, and the bill passes - they can say they made it happen.
WTF ? absolutely; republican doublespeak.
With that, we know that you are sick up to your eyeballs of that sad state of games, so today we offer you a fast moving look at the world of Medical Marijuana, and all the things we're blogging about today on The Four Twenty Times.
Please bear in mind that these items are posting from our queue at the rate of 50 per day so at any given time you may see a pic, comeback and voila it's gone. that's also the case if you receive the email version of this post.
it's absolutely dynamic so that you won't get bored
That's the magic of an RSS Feed - You Get Fresh Material Consistently. Us knowing how much you seem to enjoy a midweek distraction;
All of These buds are for you
Now wasn't that refreshing.. so again we have to remind you that we want your subscription here and also on the 420 Times. be sure you click the subscribe link and get ready for awesomeness to arrive in your email box nightly.
Remember we never give, lend or sell your Email Addy; and we make you register before you can even post comments to prevent comment spam. that's why we work all night to provide you with quality all day.
We're Now on Google + thanks to our tumblr buddy Courtney
For those who've missed the news - here's a brief look at the new and wonderful world of Google+.
we're still exploring it's uses and functions. with that said, we'll be posting alot of videos and links to info on Google+. if you happen to find one that we've missed and should see - be sure to hit our submit button and tell us all about it.
We heard just this week that Google will be renaming and rebranding Blogger - so stay tuned because we're going to ride it out with Google+. If You'd like an invite leave us a coment and we'll click you into our invite circle.
Like You we know that so much is happening in tech these days that we need to keep abreast with an rss feed. We hope you're reading our daily updates directly on Pod313 Tech Tips, so that you don't miss an entire story.
Today you need to join the drama when Mama ASID and Lady D ramp up at Noon for the Whether Report. This week along with the hottest tunes we give you a Thorough Trash Out on the world news situation. not even dsk escapes the net this show.
WE hit Dudus Case, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, Caribbean Immigration Issues and Mississippi - Yeah, Mama ASID has issued a warrant for the Legislature of Mississippi. So You Must Listen to hear the real drama.
Somehow I don't think I'd like to be photographed in this manner without my permission - How About You ? Watch the short video and the story follows. yes the blog that the photos posted to is on Tumblr.
The project involved installing software on 100 Apple Store computers in NYC, having them take photos every minute, and automatically uploading the ones with faces in them to a Tumblr. The result is exactly what it sounds like: a bunch of people staring at computers.
It’s obviously controversial, but McDonald doesn’t believe his project broke any laws. He thought it was no big deal when Apple noticed all the network activity his program was creating, but the Secret Service showed up at his house today, confiscating two computers, an iPod and two flash drives. Their warrant said he was violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
McDonald says he’ll now have to buy a new computer, and he told Mashable, “Hopefully they let me into the Apple store.”
It's Always A Good Thing to Smile - Cause you never know when you're on candid camera
Do You Remember wayyy back last year when we turned you onto Wiz Khalifa before he blew up and became mainstream ? we've found another independent artist that we think will soon rock the charts with material; of substance.
What we like most about this cd is the tunes actually have lyrics. yeah lyrics instead of just some semi clever hook. Listening to it, we predict several hits will emerge from the bunch. our favs from first listen are Assassination Day; Rebel Music; Black Flag and Exile. you'll be hearing these within the coming week on BadGalsRadio.
This CD is Why We Are Independent and We Support Independent Music.
Enjoy The Freedom While it Lasts - yes you knew that there was a hook to this tune so here it goes. If Congress gets it's way, music like this - free downloadable music will disappear. even our radio station and youtube.
Why Would This Effect Your Videos?
There's a new effort building steam to make music played more than ten times a felony. yes a felony. so if music being free, independent and self producing is important to you -please click this link and sign the petition.
We All Need To Click On This and Forward It As Much as Possible
The Senate is considering a bill that would make the streaming of copyrighted material on the internet illegal and punishable with up to five years of jail time. This would essentially make posting videos of lip-syncing to popular songs, among many other things, a felony. Click the link and send a letter to your congressmen asking them to reject this outrageous bill.
Under this law you wouldn't be able to:
post videos with any music in the background.
the dancing wedding videos would disappear.
no more celebrity impression videos.
no dancing at your party videos.
no exercise with music videos;
no cyber tours with musc.
No More Podcasts
No More Streaming Radio
No More Streaming Television
you couldn't post your own live performances.
No More Freely Downloadable Mixtapes - like this one
Nor could you post your uber cute little dancer working it out with his favorite music.
Also we hear that would include jingles; as they're technically music too.
We Received This note after we signed the petition and it gives more information on what is happening with this bill - so you need to sign it tout sweet mon cheri !
Dear BadGals-
Here they go again: Big business's lobbyists are launching another attack on Internet freedom. Senators are considering a "Ten Strikes" bill to make it a felony to stream copyrighted content -- like music in the background of a Youtube video -- more than ten times.
Will you urge your lawmakers to vote no? Just click here:
As the writers at TechDirt point out, under this bill you could go to jail for posting video of your friends singing karaoke:
"The entertainment industry is freaking out about sites that embed and stream infringing content, and want law enforcement to put people in jail over it, rather than filing civil lawsuits.... We already pointed to one possibility: that people embedding YouTube videos could face five years in jail. Now, others are pointing out that it could also put kids who lip sync to popular songs, and post the resulting videos on YouTube, in jail as well."
That's right: Ten strikes and you could get jail time. Less than a month ago, the Hollywood industry magazine, Variety, reported, "Industry lobbyists pressed House members on Wednesday to pass legislation that would make illegal streaming of movies, TV shows and other types of content a felony...."
Only a few weeks later, the MPAA is getting its wish. Will you email your lawmakers and tell them to vote against the Ten Strikes Bill?
All of these things would be illegal under this law, as stupid as it seems. and the downside to this is that if it's passed you will be breaking the law if you use youtube and do any of these things.
Remember Music is Free as long as you keep it that way
Today we discovered another Tumblr Gem - this time someone found and reblogged the links to the recent Henry Louis Gates special on Black in Latin America
For those interested, PBS broadcasted these episodes a few months ago. I never got the chance to watch them on TV but am geeked to find out the full episodes are online via their website! Yay. I don’t know how long they’ll be up so watch them while you can.