Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Murdoch Eats Crow Pie - and we've got the pics, video and the letter too - tomorrow LULZSEC Letters !

 Today Is Not a Good Day at News Corp -
Tragedy ... Sean Hoare
Tragedy ... Sean Hoare

Most Read Stories

A WHISTLEBLOWER in the phone-hacking scandal was found dead at his flat yesterday.

Police discovered the body of former News of the World showbiz reporter Sean Hoare after a member of the public who was worried about his welfare called them.
Officers said the death in Watford, Herts, was "unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious".
Forensics cops were searching the flat last night.
Mr Hoare, who was in his late 40s, had a long-standing drink problem and told a friend last week that he was "seriously ill".
He had worked on the News of the World under editor Andy Coulson. Mr Hoare was later dismissed for drink and drug problems. He had claimed that Mr Coulson was aware of hacking at the newspaper.
But he offered no comment when quizzed by police over the allegations, which Mr Coulson denies.
Last week he claimed reporters at the paper could use police technology to find people using mobile phone signals.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3702804/Phone-hack-whistleblower-found-dead.html#ixzz1SatrzatO

The Shit Hits the Fan Tomorrow for Rupert and Crew because the Antisec folks have a lil gift for them - Their Lies

Counter-Hacking: LulzSec: We have a large cache of News Corp. emails, will be releasing them tomorrow; Sabu: “New York Times, Forbes, LA Times, we’re going in”; how LulzSec hacked The Sun’s website.

News Raider of the Day: Activist/comedian Jonathan May-Bowles AKA Jonnie Marbles took credit on Twitter for the pie’ing of Rupert Murdoch at today’s parliamentary hearing.
Wendi Deng, Murdoch’s wife, tried to fend off the attacker, but, according to reports, he managed to land his plate of shaving cream “squarely” in Murdoch’s face.
According to CNN, Marbles shouted “you are a greedy billionaire” before he struck Murdoch with the makeshift pie.

 And Finally MAD Magazine adds their own twist with this hugely comical letter from Murdoch

All in All he should be glad Al Sharpton decided not to show up. This just goes to show you that you always get what you pay for in the end. if he'd hired people with human hearts and real consciouses he wouldn't have to have this public unveiling of his dirty knickers.

Rupert Rupert Rupert - What Are We To Do With Your Stank FAKE Ass Now ?

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