Just What Am I Seeing Here ?
Hold On, Wait A Minute; that says NEGRO ?
I need a few minutes to catch my breath after that one folks. y'all know I started this year out on a NO BS Platform; and this is jumping up and down on that platform. when I saw this tonite on the Current TeeVee Site I was flumoxed. wtf ? this had to be a photoshop game ? oh noooo this is the actual copy of the form that the US Census will be asking it's citizens to complete. complete with the derogatory term clearly included.
well, lets just think about this Black People - this is not to cut out my Non Black readers; just specifically targeted to those who I believe are most impacted by it:
When in Your Lifetime Have YOU Been a NEGRO ? for me, Negro was on my original birth certificate from the 1950's. it was also on my moms birth certificate. that means at least from the 1950's it was seen. my son was born in 1973 and it isn't on his birth certificate at all. it says Black. my present birth certificate says African American. it was issued in the 1990's. My Passport has NO Race in it. only nationality of US.
now just for the sake of argument, Black Peoples how do you like regressing thanks to the US Congress approval of this derogatory piece of us population documentation material ? I doubt anyone will say yes so I won't waste space putting up a poll.
just so you know i'm not trippin off my own supply - here's the real deal from Current's Site.
(Jan. 6) -- As the government prepares to roll out the 2010 Census on March 15, one of the 10 questions on the form already has people cringing. Question 9 asks respondents to designate their race and gives them the option of choosing "Negro," a term many have considered derogatory and antiquated for years.
The question asks "What is person 1's race?" Of the 15 possible options, one is "Black, African Am., or Negro."
The Office of Management and Budget sets racial definitions for the Census Bureau and all federal statistical reporting. In its standards, it says a "Black or African American" person is "A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as 'Haitian' or 'Negro' can be used in addition to 'Black or African American.'"
The agency last revised its standards in 1997, and the new definitions first appeared on the 2000 Census, which was also the first time people could identify as more than one race.
A U.S. Census Bureau spokesperson told the Web site The Grio that while the word "Negro" may be old-fashioned, there are still people who prefer to use it to identify themselves. She said the census questions were well-tested and that it was determined that using the word "outweighed the potential negatives."
Still, to many the word "Negro" is a throwback to Lester Walton's days, to slavery, Jim Crow laws and segregation.
The term may have been a preferable delineation of black heritage in 1913 when Lester A. Walton, managing editor of the New York Age, the country's first African-American newspaper, wrote a letter to The Associated Press imploring the group to use the term to refer to a race of people, not a skin color.
"The Census Bureau, in taking the last census, defined as Negroes those who were black. As the majority of my people are not black, in making out the census papers submitted by the enumerators, thousands classed themselves as either mulattoes or of mixed parentage. Others who were not black classed themselves as Negroes," he wrote.
But a century later, the distinction is antiquated and reprehensible to many.
"I don't think my ancestors would appreciate it in 2010," Pamela Reese Smith, a 56-year-old Rochester, N.Y., native, told the New York Daily News. "I don't want my grandchildren being called Negroes."
Look since this is Tricky Thursday - Everybody Please, for the safety of everybody's safety; lets not get into the habit of calling each other Negroes. Because trust me - it could get physical, esepcially if it's me you try to refer to as a negro in 2010. I promise you it will get physical, with the quickness babies.
this is clipped from the original post on BlackVoices
A racial conflagration is averted, and the white man says aloud, "Too easy."Chicken conglomerate KFC is claiming that a controversial ad playing in Australia wasn't racist, even though it shows a white man passing out a bucket of chicken to raucous black sports fans sitting near him.
The ad, which has been pulled by KFC, was never intended for U.S. broadcast, but when it was posted on YouTube, the ad caused a stir worldwide.
The commercial features a white Australian cricket fan looking exasperated as black supporters of a rival team are loudly cheering. The white fan asks aloud how to get out of an "awkward situation." He then whips out a bucket of KFC chicken, and the black fans greedily start munching.
There is no doubt that if you are looking to be offended, the commercial supplies plenty of ammo. Here in the United States, the stereotype of black people loving fried chicken has been a staple of racist jokes for generations.

Sorry I couldn't comment sooner, but I was stirring the shit pot over at Hans' place.
You know, I've never been able to figure out how to answer those race, religion, creed, ethnicity, and give a fuck questions.
When is someone gonna let me choose mongrel, half breed, phlemgmish, pomerassian, or bumble-blooded?
I'm witchu on this one, gal. If we let them them Demoblicans and Republicrats get away with Negro, what's next? Nappy-head? Picanniny? Lenny Bruce? Tonto?
Well, just be happy that a Democrat Congress approved this form. If it were still a Republican Congress you would have seen an entirely different N-word.
Blanca you know we know that word too; cause they are just a buncha empty NUTSACS.
obtw hellos to ya puke-pal michele
HeyDoc - you know they know that we know that they know that word too; butterah,, you betta bet yo peter lawford they know betta than to say it.
WhooooooooooHA !
What's up with my double-comment? Wasn't typing bumble-butted once enough? I thought my obnobvious thoughts were once again lost in the Ted Stevens' InterWeb of deceit.
See my post on idiots voting to pay tribute to the rich? A new one coming soon.
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