Peta needs to take a loooooooooooooooooooong time out
PETA's 2010 State of the Union Undress
first off, didn't you see Michelle Obama sitting in the front row ? the unauthorized use of that image was totally outted recently, when the Whitehouse asked Peta to stop using the image of the First Lady in any of their advertising.

first off, if this is a vegan, why does she have Fake Huge Boobs ?
be honest Peta, you are a buncha womanhating liars.
no poorwoman would pay you any attention, if you didn't engage in this ridiculous shock therapy. rightly speaking, I wonder if there is an attorney who would be willing to slap a cease and decist order up your alley; in the name of Women Of Good Sense Everywhere. this type of emotionally vaped drama does nothing for your cause and as quiet as it's kept, no one watches all the way through other than horny teens and men who only want to test their cialis - like bob dole, and john mccain.
Women shouldn't be exploited in this way. as well the image is offensive to me as a Blackwoman who's constantly stereotyped as being of lower moral standard. this is lower than any of that Peta, and maybe you should switch back to Animals to Help Animals; because this is not working with People, especially Women.
Peta Get a New Message, this one isn't working for anybody

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PETA has gotten way out of line. To show our First Lady (and a very happy John McCain) in this way is an affront to all women. Sex sells animals? Really, PETA, GET A GRIP, and I don't mean on women. Ads like this put all the pieces of the glass ceiling back together. Or maybe, as your logo suggests, RE, this is the REALITY.
Cher what can we do to stop this type of outright slanderous misuse of Women, especially our First Lady ?
I think the answer is to STOP Supporting peta and their little minded ads. they dug this hole now lets toss their dirt ontop of them and call it a day.
I couldn't agree with you more, RE. As women we need to maintain a powerful voice in unison or we will be trampled by groups like this after years of gaining ground. Does this group treat animal with more respect than they are showing our First Lady and all women? They may not like the question, but hey, they brought this cauldron to a boil.
I strongly Hate liars because they don't think about other. people is that who thinks for others...
Cher, Amen Sista Amen.
Newspapers, do you think that they have any consideration using the First Lady in this type of campaign ?
first thing when she came into the white house she said she was the First Mom in Chief. MOM is the optimum word, and peta ignored that. respect is due to ALL Women, because peta hates women - across the board.
thanks for your comment
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