We Love This Man - General Larry Platt
"Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!"
some of our visitors may remember that we are not for the Saggin Game. in fact we don't support any public displays of undergarments male or female. this is a major issue in social circles today; and this freedom fighter General Larry Pratt joined our ranks and wrote a rather catchy rap about it.
our hope is that since this is a catchy tune gone video viral; that the message will get through to those who seem to not understand that this is just an expression of exported prison mentality; and a sexual identifier.
yes that is what it is, a way for men in prison to advertise that they are sexually available. now when these young stylista are released onto the streets; this mode of dress stays with them. somehow it appears that a whole generation of people have adopted it, without even understanding what it means. that says alot about our generational passing of culture and social mores'. So NO folks Saggin ain't cool; never will be.
Kick It General,
This is the First Official Remix of "Pants on the Ground"
This is the Neal Young Version - and yes - LOVES IT !!!!!
If you're not walking around singing it, you probably will be soon.
That's part of the chorus to "Pants on the Ground," an originalsong performed by General Larry Platt on Wednesday's American Idol auditions from Atlanta.
Platt, 62, was a little too old to make it through toHollywood , but his catchy number sure did get the judges talking. It's already becoming an internet sensation too. This guy must have some "people" working for him, because there is already an official website.
Turns out, Platt is a longtime civilrights activist. You'll be surprised to know that the Georgia General Assembly has even passed House Resolution 286 proclaiming September 4, 2001 "Larry Platt Day".
In fact, if you go to the official Civil Rights Movement website and take a look at the picture on the homepage, you'll notice a young man on the left looking directly into the camera. That's General Larry Platt at age 16.
"We had come by bus in 1963 to a church in Savannah, Georgia to plan a march to desegregate the city," Platt says. "Reverend Hosea Williams and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were our leaders. That particular planned march was canceled and we were singing to raise our spirits before returning home."
Platt worked with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Georgia, organizing sit-ins in the South.
He was beaten during the Bloody Sunday march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery.
The Rev. Hosea Williams gave him his nickname of "General" because of his heroic efforts on behalf of the civil-rights movement.
You can check out the General's "Pants on the Ground"video below:
This is the Original American Idol Audition of Pants On the Ground
This is gonna be B I G - cause Simon said so.

I tell no lie, some of them bring me within an inch of calling 911. Hopefully this will help more of them understand the real meaning behind the saggin' pants dilemma and start pulling up their dignity.
Thank you General Larry Platt!
Amen, sista!! Whatever happened to self-respect with people these days? I agree, and it's good see other level-headed people thinking the same way.
What? No Aretha Franklin R-E-S-P-E-C-T? She is the Queen!!
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