Chad OchoCinco Rejected Black Girls From His Dating Show?
Talk about some real boo boo.. Who Does Mo5Head Think He Is ?Has he forgotten that HIS Black Ass slid out of a Black Womans Hole; and he thinks he can be excused for this ? this clown is mr coon. He’s totally Sold out. we shoulda admitted it when he was pouring himself on his dwts partner.
No Looking Away this time – Oh Hell To The Nawww.. this clown has repeatedly insulted and embarrassed BLACKFOLKS as a Group since he got his shiny head on tevee. it’s time he stfu and shad. Who does he think he is Calvin Lockhart ? well honestly number eight can kiss my number two.

I took more than a moment and examined my rage in this and decided that it really wasn’t rage at the issue, but more at the attitude in this day and age.
He comes out colorstruck in 2010 ON TEVEE. WTF Is This Really All About?
Look a here Cap’n Coon, I’m here to tell you that thangs done changed, You ain’t nothin but another sucka lookin for a lick off a tootsie roll thinking you can keep ya personal hatred locked under them gold fronts. Urrr ruhhh sorry BLACK MAN, regardless of what you want to believe ain’t no chica tryin to get with you no more than any other foodstamp; cause you are a bonified waste of time.
Chad if you were smart you’d invest some of that change in some serious inpatient one on one therapy to get over your self hatred, so that you can honestly learn to love what you are.
He is Absolutely Sad,


We hadn’t gotten any word on when filming began but, according to this letter sent in to TheYBF, it has – and not without a lot of drama!
According to a kicked-off contestant of the show who says she is of Caribbean descent, Chad Ocho Cinco is only requesting that light-skinned girls be included in his line-up.
COUPLE ALERT: Ocho Cinco & “DWTS” Partner Cheryl Go Public
Here’s the email she sent after being sent home early:
I was recently selected as one of the final 85 for Chad’s (OchoCinco) dating reality show. Long story short, Chad has identity issues and primarily chose Latinas and white girls (mostly brunette’s). Many of the black girls were eliminated right off the back (including Rabbit from “Real Chance of Love”)<– might I add Cali made a cameo, as well. I managed to make “Top 30″ before getting eliminated.
The entire day was unorganized and Chad only wanted to do things his way; he wouldn’t listen to producers and all selections were made by him only. In the beginning, Chad walked the field and immediately began to dismiss girls.
He later called a group of ten girls (including myself) up to the front and told us to “Not worry. You’re not going anywhere.”
Shortly after, he directed us to do a quick warm-up lap (at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA). This warm-up lap turned into chaos; lap after lap producers were unsure of what to do next, so they directed girls to keep running. Luckily, I stay with a personal trainer, so I ran a total of 6 laps before I stopped for water. Some girls began to hyperventilate, while others began to walk.
One by one, Chad starting pulling black girls aside and telling them “bye.” During my stop for a cup of water, Chad called me over along with a group of six girls – 5 black and 1 white. He then said “Umm…you guys are eliminated…yeah…eliminated. Except for you.” And guess who he pulled out the group? The white girl.Hm, this sounds a little remniscent of this: Diddy: Dark Skinned Girls Need Not Apply
Another letter also came in, spilling all the behind-the-scenes dirty deets. But this time, it was from a member of the production staff.
When you watch the show it’s going to appear as if he had to narrow down 84 girls to 17. In reality. 17 girls were pre-selected by the producers and flown to LA a week prior to do interviews and photo shoots for the show. The other 67 girls on set were “extras” filling in.
When Chad arrived on set, he saw a mixed variety of nationalities that the producers had already pre-selected – five black girls, 5 Spanish girls, 6 white girls, and a girl of Middle Eastern decent. He seemed rather upset and acted irritated. The producer felt that he was unhappy and after talking to them off-air, Chad wanted to revise the list of the pre-selected girls. He wanted to send home all of the Black girls and replace them with some of the Caucasian and Hispanic “extras” that were already on set.
After not having picked any Black girls to remain on the show the producers pressured him into picking at least two. Chad, in turn, chooses the two most GHETTO girls there to represent the us. And by ghetto…you know the ones that cause black men to say that’s the reason they don’t date black women anymore.
It’s really sad to see a man who has an entirely black family, including beautiful black children, have such low regard for black women. I’ve heard stories about his preference in the past but never in a million years would I think he would make it that obvious, especially knowing that his TV show is not exactly catering to the white folks.This is not a good look. After all, we all know his “type”: COUPLE ALERT: Ocho Cinco Buys “DWTS” Partner $22K Ring
Could it be that he is just trying to stay in shape for football by shying away from chocolate?
I watch football with my husband every season, so when Chad Johnson changed his name to "85" I thought that a bad indicator of his character. Guess that was just the tip of the iceberg. They all fall, these so-called celebrities, eventually, RE. They all fall....
In our town we have had it with Big Ben. Now that he has been through rehab, we are hoping his character was been toned as well as his muscles.
Lawd Have Mercy Fish Hawk, You are a Mess. he is avoiding chocolate because he's trying to stay in shape ? then maybe he should stop eating all together .. you know they say you can never be too thin or too rich - Whoo Hoo !!!!
Cher he is a total bad indicator. (side-eye) sorry.
I think he needs his "assets" accounted. and I'm not talking about the ones in the bank either. no one likes him.
can you imagine being that rich and not having any real possibilities for social acceptance because you are as ugly inside as trash ?
he makes me wonder what the women who would date him are really like in the head. Cher him and Ben should be in the same rehab - as roomates. neither of them has a clue.
it's sad, totally sad. so young, so rich and sooooo stupid.
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