Thursday, June 30, 2011

Black Moses Barbies' Got His-story, and Her-story too

I expect that if you watch this, some of you may get a lil ticked. well just remember it's history. that thanks to itself is here to be referenced in even ways like this. Meet Black Moses Barbie. she's the doll I prayed for as a child.  yes, I tore the head off my blond white barbies and drug them in the dirt. they still were never like this. oh how my dreams came true - I can hardly wait until they hit the store.
I wonder if the gun comes as an accessory ?

Black Moses Barbie commercial #2 of 3 from pierre bennu on Vimeo.

This mock commercial for a Black Moses Barbie toy is the 2nd in a series of 3 celebrating the legacy of Harriet Tubman. It is part of Pierre Bennu's larger series of paintings and films deconstructing and re-envisioning images of people of color in commercial & pop culture.

and yes we do plan on presenting them each one at a time.. so getcha snacks,

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