Tuesday, January 6, 2009

BadGalsRadio makes The BoBo Carnival of Politics - The New Year Edition | The BoBo Files

Happy New Year - we were participants in the first Bobo Carnival of Politics, this week.
this is the link to the page where our comment resides, and links to the original Blog Carnival.


We'd appreciate your visit, and also a click over to Our Original Story.
You can See that We Represent OURStory.  it's important to keep the
facts inline, and to stop the propagation of myths into holidays.

RE Ausetkmt presents Yow, The Liecentric Posse deh bout; somebody call the Drop Squad
posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, “this blog is a part of five blogs about Different Posses’.
this particular piece is about a leopard who pretends to change his spots; but alas the spots are his skin.”

Hey! Welcome back! Hmmm…interesting - are you actually promoting support for the Black Panthers in this post?  It also sounds like perhaps you are proving that Kwanzaa is just a made up sham and should not be a recognized holiday - if it ever is.  Although quite a long post - I learned quite a bit.