Political Susu is a public service of ASID Hi-Power Radio and Irie ATL; co-produced by Mama ASID of BadGalsRadio and Lady D of Irie ATL's Drivetime Show. this show is new to our network, and will become a weekly feature - specifically to highlight Caribbean, and Global News about People Of Color.
If you've got a tip make sure to send us a link to the story, and a note, if you please. The global diasporic community is our focus, always.
Truth and Rights,
Co-Producer the Political Susu Show on BadGalsRadio & IrieATL.com Radio.((((((((((((((((((((((((((( BADGALSRADIO 9 Years & Counting))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))Listen to THIS WEEKS COMPLETE Episode Here
Happy Earthborn Strong Empress Michelle of the Musical Ambassadors Posse'
RIP Roy Shirley - Reggaes' High Priest
The Entire Family of Musical Ambassador Records, BadGalsRadio; ASID Hi-Power Sound; Trenchtones; and All of the affiliates of the FoundationSound Radio Network; Send our Warmest Wishes for a Blessed and Happy Birthday to Empress Dr. Michelle Elliott; co- owner of Musical Ambassador Records. May Jah grant your every wish and bless you in abundance always; may today be the beginning of the best for you; forever. Thanks for Your Support and Guidance during our trying times. your insight is invaluable and without you we could never be .. Bless Up Empress Michelle
RIP Roy Shirley - ‘Reggaes’ High Priest’ remembered
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008 Jamaica Gleaner News - ‘High Priest’ remembered - Tuesday | July 22, 2008 ‘High Priest’ remembered published: Tuesday | July 22, 2008
________________________________________________________________________ A Georgia school gets the paddles ready for the fall To spank or not to spank … that’s the question in Twiggs County, Ga., where principals are breaking out their paddles this fall to deter misbehaving. It won’t be the first time that the school district puts the wood to students who act up. Last year, for example, a second-grader was swatted for throwing pencils, as were others who were deemed too unruly for the standard time-out or other methods of discipline, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. But the policy was rarely used. Teachers and administrators can opt out if they desire, and parents must sign a permission slip to allow their children to be paddled. Read more of what the parents and teachers had to say at BET.com/News. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SOUTHERN AFRICA - Our Africa Focus This Week
Listen to THIS WEEKS COMPLETE Episode Here
Zimbabweans play the zero game
By Kathyrn Westcott BBC News |

![]() In January, the bank introduced a Z$10m note |
![]() | BIG NUMBERS Quadrillion: 15 zeros Quintillion: 18 zeros Sextillion: 21 zeros Septillion 24 zeros This formulation is from the widely-used US system |
![]() The new note is three zeros short of Germany’s 1924 100-trillion-mark note |
S African police evict migrants
![]() Foreigners were forced into temporary camps in May |
South African police have forcefully removed hundreds of immigrants from temporary shelters where they had taken refuge from xenophobic attacks.
Authorities say the immigrants, who were taken to a repatriation centre in Johannesburg, had not registered with the home affairs department. They now face deportation to their home countries, officials said. More than 60 immigrants were killed and tens of thousands more fled during the attacks against foreigners in May. A BBC reporter witnessed angry and emotional scenes at the Glenanda temporary centre as they were removed. Some immigrants chanted “human rights for refugees” as they were driven away by dozens of riot police. The BBC’s Mpho Lakaje said the immigrants taken from the camp, where about 2,000 people were sheltering, included women and children. “It is not the South African government’s intention to deport a huge group of people, but we want to identify the ring leaders [behind unrest at the camp] and deport them,” Home Affairs Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula told South Africa’s Independent newspaper. ‘Very disappointed’ Home Affairs spokeswoman Cleo Mosana said the immigrants had been offered exemption from deportation but had not taken it up. She said they had been given enough time to apply for proper documentation, but had refused to do so. Many foreigners said the registration process was not clearly explained, or that they did not register because they feared losing their refugee status. The government denied this would happen. One woman from the Democratic Republic of Congo said her sister was among those taken away. “They are going back to their country, but I know in our country there is still fighting,” she said. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------JAMAICA - Our Caribbean Focus This Week
Listen to THIS WEEKS COMPLETE Episode Here
GoodLawd The MP done made Marcus Garvey a Criminal Again?
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008Before You Quote History, or in this case Your Story, You Need To Know It.
Somebody PULLLLLEEEEEEEZEEE mandate history tests for all politicians globally; cause it they don’t know history how can they help develop the future. This is a pure example of pomposity in action LawdaMercy - to quote Shabba, who even knows better than this MP. ~RE Jamaica Gleaner News - Pardon us, Tom - King’s House gave senator wrong information on Garvey forgiveness - Tuesday | July 22, 2008 URL: Pardon us, Tom - King Pardon us, Tom - King’s House gave senator wrong information on Garvey forgiveness published: Tuesday | July 22, 2008 Tyrone Reid, Enterprise Reporter
During the debate, Tavares-Finson called for a statutory declaration by Parliament to remove the designation of ‘convicted criminal’ from four National Heroes, including Marcus Garvey.
However, Garvey had already been pardoned in 1987 after the then Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Edward Seaga, petitioned then Governor General, Sir Florizel Glasspole, to posthumously grant the National Hero pardon.
Sources close to the senator told The Gleaner yesterday that since then, Tavares-Finson has been the butt of many jokes among his professional peers and members of the Senate.The source also revealed that Tavares-Finson had been even reprimanded by the prime minister for the boo-boo.On the contrary, an article published in The Gleaner on August 18, 1987, confirmed that Garvey was post-humously granted pardon.The article also stated that Seaga made the announcement at Garvey Day ceremonies in St Ann’s Bay. When contacted yesterday, Seaga expressed certainty that the pardon sought by his Cabinet for Garvey was granted.
Tavares-Finson’s could not be reached yesterday, as he was said to be abroad on business. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Bruce’s super squad - Police, army to flood JA under new anti-crime plan
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008 Jamaica Gleaner News - Bruce’s super squad - Police, army to flood communities under new anti-crime plan - Tuesday | July 22, 2008 URL: Riot inmates relocated to Horizon Remand Centre Riot inmates relocated to Horizon Remand Centre published: Tuesday | July 22, 2008 Michelle-Ann Letman, Staff Reporter