Sunday, September 5, 2010

Atlanta We Need Your Help September 12th - Help Us Feed The People

As a former member of the nccf we fed kids breakfast in the Free Breakfast Program during the 1970's.  This lesson stays with us today almost 40 years later.  This is why we are supporting and asking for your support for Feed The People Atlanta - Sunday September 12th 10am.
If you are unable to meet-up on the day of distribution but would still like to donate email:
Log on to for updates
Watch This Video for a Reason To HELP -  Present South Carolina Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer Says "Don't Feed the Homeless - They Only BREED, Like Stray Animals"   and no he has NOT Apologized and says He means it.

This is a Fear Monger

WE Know that this is Not the Reality of how to help people.  So politicians like this need to be voted out and we need to return HEART to Our Politicians Instead of FEAR. This is a Fear Monger. DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS B.S. ANYMORE. We Are All People and We Need to HELP THOSE WHO NEED IT.
FYI - South Carolina has 12+% unemployment and has one of the largest new groups of non working poor - homeless and needy IN AMERICA.

Please If You Can Just Help by dropping off a bag of groceries, or even to help distribute the food - COME, We Need Your Help.  The Government does little to help these who are most desperately in need - The Homeless. We Can All Do A Lil Tithing on Sunday September 12th in ATL.

WON'T YOU PLEASE JOIN US, By Putting On This Hat And Helping The Homeless

Feed The People Atlanta - Sunday September 12th 10am

Othello's 1170 Sylvan Road ATL 30310

The FTP Movement's National Feed the People Program distributes brown bag lunches, water, clothes and toiletries to homeless men, women and children.
We appreciate donations of: sandwich fixings (bread, lunch meat - no pork or beef, cheese slices, mayo, mustard, peanut butter, jelly), bottled water, fruit (grapes, bananas, apples, oranges), clothes (including new socks and underwear), blankets, wash cloths/towel, toothpaste/brushes, soap, sanitary napkins, and diapers.
If you are unable to meet-up on the day of distribution but would still like to donate email: Log on to for updates


The Feed The People program was developed out of a sense of urgency to provide nourishment for those less fortunate who have fallen through the cracks of society.  Those families who have been rendered homeless courtesy of the states abandonment and the federal governments blatant disregard for human life.
With hunger and homelessness at an all-time high and America’s failure to provide basic necessities for it’s own citizens, The FTP Movement sprung into action.  Inspired by the Black Panther Party’s free breakfast program, the FTP Movement birthed the Feed The People Program.

Launched in Atlanta, GA, in June of 2004, the Feed The People Program has spread and served over 100,000 meals and care packages nationally in places such as Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland and parts of Canada to name a few.  Care packages that include –toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, pampers and various feminine hygiene products.
The Discjockeys from KOOL Radio participated in a Feed the People Program - they packaged over fifty thousand meals. YES 50,000 meals packed to go to Afghanistan - where they really need help.  This is What Family Does, Right ?

They GET It, and So Do We - Please Turn Out on September 12 to Help at Othellos' Place in ATL to HELP FEED THE PEOPLE.

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