Friday, March 19, 2010

NSFW Friday: All Points Bulletin - Gaga Goes Soft Porn

Did you think that Gaga could push the envelope any further ?

It's Not Safe For Work Friday and This video is Not Safe for Kids or Work so use good judgement when watching please. You Should Be 18 or older to watch this video. rated r (n,s,v,k)

Tonight when speaking with a film producer colleague, he remarked that this latest Lady Gaga video - Telephone, is basically Soft Porn. Gosh ? Then I remembered that I'd yet to watch it for myself. So I went out and found it in the Internets. Ohhhhh My My..  That's honestly the first thing that I said when it came up on the screen. It opens with Gaga in jail.  We are mesmerized as the guards walk her to her cell, and then strip her - tossing her onto the bed and exiting the cell. one of the guards says - "See I told You She didn't have no dick" the other responds, "Too Bad".  Next You see Gaga Nude - climbing onto the bars of the cell,. it's filtered gauzy in a crotch obscured shot that leaves you wondering because you can't see either way. Let the mind games begin.

WOOOOOO Clutch The Pearls Babies

This video is a whole lotta things all wrapped up in one.  There's a planned mass murder; girl on girl prison yard sex; wild high fashion; high tech phones on hats; a police chase in a hot ass tricked out truck called "The Pussy Wagon"; and of course multiple lucrative fast product placements at various spots in the six minute thematic video. Wow, all of the classic elements of a good soft porn flick working together; he remarked. 

Theres' no doubt this will open doors for Gaga in film. Someone is going to watch that scene of her menage a tois on the prison yard, and have a light bulb moment. I just hope that she's really ready for the big time. Her fashion sense is getting wilder all the time. Notice that in the prison yard sequence the glasses are smoking. Yes the cigarettes on the glasses are apparently lit. Wow now that's a unique effect I don't think I've ever seen before.   The music itself doesn't start until the 2:55 mark when Gaga gets a call from Beyaki. She answers and starts singing into the phone on the wall. that's where the music and dancing begins.
Film uses all types of elements to pull a story together, and this one employs them all; with razor sharp precision. It's really more of a short film at nearly 9 plus minutes. Much in the vein of the Michael Jackson  theatrical videos like Ghost. It actually spends so much time on the film aspects,  that you forget about the dancing and singing for a moment.  That is a huge step forward for Gaga, since her vids have been previously Panned as mostly fluff; centered around her crazy fashions.

The strange on film relationship between Gaga and Beyaki has gained a whole new fan base, no doubt.  This is how artists cross over from market to market; and in the process make a  substantial amount of money doing it.  The amount of advertising in this video is record.  That alone will make it a record cash earner.  I think this is a hit for both Gaga and her advertisers. Innovation is a difficult road to travel for new concepts. Good Work Lady Gaga.

It Looks Like the Pussy Wagon will be rolling for a while,

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  1. Yey! You found your comment thingy for here.

    Anyway, "Telephone" had me wondering what was going on with myself. For I found it to be much more disturbing than erotic, and having a very great appreciation for the physical beauty of the fairer sex is one thing that our Heavenly Father has not changed about me yet(?)--be assured.

  2. FishHawk you are right there with me. I also thought it stretched the limits of good taste a bit too far. that's one of the reasons I think it's going to be a hit. that makes me wonder why the advertisers chose to be in this video ? maybe they're also moving into soft porn too.

    my filmmaker friend said that this has gotten more hits on the internet than any of her other videos in this short of a peroid of time - must be sensationalism. cause it sure ain't talent.

  3. I agree this is soft porn, but I remember the early days of Madonna when everyone thought she was going to burn out and go straight to hell.

    Lady Gaga has the IT factor and will be around a long time, unless she turns into Amy Winehouse.

    Maybe what she is doing is a marketing strategy. Not a good one, I agree. Or maybe she needed to make enough money to pay off that goofy ex-boyfriend who claims he "created" her. Excuse me?

  4. You're Right Cher, she could try the madonna plan and make a whole lotta money. maybe the pay off is her a'la amy winehouse move ? she certainly is getting paid. this fame monster tour has earned record box office receipts. she's now rich. lets hope gets good financial advice and watches her loot very carefully and doesn't spend it all on silly hats.


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